En 2004, le doctorant Nicolas Vellas s’est associé avec son directeur de thèse Christophe Gaquière pour fonder la société MC2 Technologies.

Nicolas Vellas
Dr Nicolas Vellas completed his thesis at the IEMN in the field of microwave characterization of power transistor in GaN technology. He obtained in 2003 his doctorate with honours from the University of Lille and the congratulations of the jury. That same year, he won « the company within the reach of all » organized by the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry rewarding the creation of innovative technology company for students. He also won several other French competitions for the creation of an innovative technology company.

Christophe Gaquière
Managing Director
Dr Christophe Gaquière obtained his PhD in electronics from the University of Lille in 1995 with honours from the University of Lille and congratulations from the jury. He carried out his research activities at the Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology (IEMN). The main topics concerned the design, fabrication, characterisation and modelling of HEMT and HBT devices (III/V and SiGe) over very wide frequency ranges (1-500GHz). He was in charge of the microwave characterisation department of the joint laboratory between Thales TRT and IEMN on wide band gap semiconductors (GaN, SiC and Diamond) from 2003 to 2007. He then took charge of the advanced technologies of millimetre waves on silicon of the joint laboratory between ST microelectronics and IEMN from 2007 to 2021. Christophe Gaquière is author or co-author of more than 150 publications and 300 communications. Currently, Christophe Gaquière is involved in the development of innovative technologies within the company MC2 technologies.