Our products are imagined, designed and manufactured in France
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Calibration Kit

In Scanning Microwave Microscopy, an AFM (Atomic Force Microscope) is interfaced to a VNA (Vector Network Analyzer) to perform microwave network analysis at the nanoscale with frequencies ranging from 1 to 20GHz.

In order to ensure the accuracy of measurements brought by the VNA, a standardized capacitance calibration of small capacitors is required.

MC2 Technologies offers an easy to use calibration kit with AFM, SMM, EFM with its magnetic tab for accurate microscope calibration. With its thin gold (Au), the contact area becomes more independent from the exact shape of the tip and therefore more reliable, without oxidation problems.

Product features: 

  • Scanning Microwave Microscopy Calibration Kit
  • Different calibration kits available on highly P doped Si substrate (between 0.001 Ω.cm and 0.005Ω.cm)
  • Frequency range: 0.5 – 20GHz
  • Magnetic tab size 15mm x 15mm x 1mm
  • Die thickness: 525µm +/- 15µm.
  • Titanium/Gold Front 15 to 80nm
  • Circular gold pads (Diameter: 20μm, 10μm, 5μm, 3μm, 2μm)
  • 25 capacitance values
  • Maximum error in SiO2 thickness < 1%.
  • SiO2 thickness 0, 300, 600, 900 and 1250nm
  • Backside metallization (Ti/Au 15/80 nm)

A scientific review based on the analysis of our calibration kits is available here

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MC2 technologies works in the development of power amplifiers over a frequency range from DC to 50 GHz. Based on III-V technology (GAN, GaAS), its amplifiers offer performance at the best price.

The systems are ITAR FREE and RoHS compliant.

ReferencesFc (GHz)Power (W)
MC2-HPA400M-CCE1 0.4300
MC2-HPA2D4G-CCE1 2.4-2.5250
Wideband power amplifier table
ReferencesBW (GHz)Power (W)
Wideband power amplifier table
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Bias tees

MC2 technologies develops ultra wide band polarization tees. Its increased responsiveness allows for performance adjustments and quick customization of the component as needed.

The systems are ITAR FREE and RoHS compliant.

ReferencesBW (GHz)Max voltage (V)Max current (A)Insertion loss (dB)Power (W)
MC2-BT0D1G018G-CC1X0.1-1820030.75 typ2
MC2-BT0D1G006G-CC1X0.1-640070.5 typ3
MC2-BT0D3G012G-CC1X0.3-640070.5 typ10
Polarization table

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